How to Purchase Class III NFA Weapons in the State of Florida

Did you know that owning a suppressor (silencer), machinegun, short barreled rifle or shotgun is legal in the state of Florida? You just need to go through the proper channels. At Florida Armory Gun Shop, we handle all the details for you. Here are some basic requirements necessary to purchase & own a Class III / NFA weapon:

*You must have a clean record, with no felonies

*You must be at least 21 years of age

*You must reside in the state of Florida

*You must have a valid identification issued by the state of Florida

*In the state of Florida, you must have a Trust, Corporation or CLEO (Chief Law Enforcement Officer) Approval Signature. Ask us for more information about those options.

Class III / NFA weapons such as suppressors, machineguns, short barreled rifles or shotguns & destructive devices carry a $200 tax. AOWs carry a $5 tax. This tax is payable when we send out your Form 4 to the NFA. The NFA Branch will take anywhere from 3-5 months to process and return your application with the $200 or $5 tax stamp. Once that arrives at our store, your weapon is ready to go home with you. Just come in to the store, pass a background check and your set to go!

There is a wealth of information available on the ATF NFA Branch Website. If you'd like more information on purchasing & owning a Class III / NFA weapon, please stop by and see us. We're here to make the process easy for you!